Launch of the SURSA oral history project
Stirling has a precious opportunity denied to most other universities: a chance to create an oral history of the University right from its foundation.
Read more about the launch Oral History of the University of Stirling on UNESCO Audio-Visual World Heritage Day on 27 October
Forthcoming events
Wednesday 18 September - 2:00pm
Donald Smith, formerly of Stirling University Mathematics Department, will speak in the Haining Room, Braeport Centre, Ramoyle, Dunblane, FK15 0AT.
Thursday 10 October - 10:00am
Maureen writes: Here is Peter’s description of the next walk. Meet at Pool of Muckhart at 10.00am. Car sharing will be arranged where possible as parking is limited. The walk will take 4 to 5 hours plus a break at Rumbling Bridge - bring a packed lunch. Peter is going to be on holiday for the next two to three weeks, back in time for the walk, but please can you reply to me if you intend to come on this walk.